The preparation stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and removes toxins from the blood. It owes its highly effective action to a combination of herbal compounds with ammonium salt (synergistic effect). It is a non-invasive preparation but one which effectively increases diuresis and boosts blood filtration in the kidneys. NEFRIC restores acid-base balance in the bird’ s organism. Active substances contained in the herbs, such as leiocarposide and salicin, have a disinfecting effect on the urinary tract. NEFRIC enhances excretion processes, improves the secretive function of the digestive system (bile and enzyme secretion) and restores the correct activity of the organism. Cleansing therapy significantly improves all the pigeon’s life functions. It is a good starting point to achieving good reproduction and sporting results.
NEFRIC should be given with feed (recommended) or with water:
- After winter, to filter off any toxins from the blood and restore high metabolic efficiency - 3 ml / 1 kg of feed or 2 ml / 1 L of water, once daily for 5-7 days.
- In treatment of urinary tract and kidney diseases (nephritis, renal calculosis) - 4 ml / 1 kg of feed or 3 ml / 1 L of drinking water, once daily for 7 days.
- In food poisonings, viral infections, drug overdose - 4 ml / 1 kg of feed or 3 ml / 1 L of water for 7 days (with HEPATIC).
NOTE ! Shake before use
We also recommend an article - "Cleansing before the season" programme
Contains substances of plant origin, from: couch grass, goldenrod, burdock, horsetail, dandelion; ammonium chloride.
125 ml | 125 ml bottle contains 1000 portions for 1 pigeon. For the 100 pigeons for 10 applications. |