LINE - Flights
Stamina for medium- and long-distance flights and marathons

MULTI Forma helps to prepare pigeons for flights further than 350 km. The group of flights spans the distances from 300-400km to as much as 1200 km. But they all have one thing in common: during such a flight the pigeon’s organism has to use its deepest reserves of energy. After covering a certain distance, the supplies of carbohydrates have been exhausted, there is an oxygen deficit, the general metabolism profile changes (a pigeon draws its energy from proteins and fat transformations). MULTI Forma contains those energy components that are used after carbohydrates have been exhausted (these are amino acids and medium-chain triglycerides), as well as substances which protect the muscles and the circulatory system (HMB, L-carnitine, iron, vitamin B12, aspartate). Butafosfan is another very important component; it is a source of active phosphorus and it stimulates the synthesis of ATP and glycogen. Thanks to it, a pigeon has the energy for longer flights and it takes longer to get tired. MULTI Forma also contains pine oil, which has a stimulating effect on the liver and increases infiltration of lipophilic substances to the organism. This helps a pigeon to use energy from fat. A pool of electrolytes and micronutrients strengthens the pigeon’s organism.

MULTI Forma should be given with feed or with water as a source of energy before a flight of over 350 km, to:
  • stimulate fat and protein metabolism in the liver
  • as an agent protecting muscles and the circulatory system
  • increase metabolic reserves and pigeon's stamina. 
MULTI Forma should be used 5-10 g / 1 kg of feed or 1 L of water for 1-3 days.

The duration of the period when the preparation is given should depend on the birds’ condition and flight difficulty. It can be given for as many as 3-4 days before the most difficult flights.

IMPORTANT ! MULTI Forma should be given with feed (7-OILS + HEPATIC as a carrier). However, if the birds are not fed before basketing, remember to give them the preparation with water. The pigeons should get MULTI forma on the day of basketing.


MULTI Forma contains: protein isolate + essential amino acids, HMB, electrolytes, medium-chain triglycerides, butafosfan, L-carnitine, L-glutamine, L-lysine, choline chloride, betaine, lecithin, inositol, iron chloride, g + Zn aspartate.

150 g 150 g package contains 375 portions for 1 pigeon. For the 50 pigeons for 2-3 flights.
250 g 250 g package contains 625 portions for 1 pigeon. For the 50 pigeons for 4-5 flights.

