REVITAL is a regenerating preparation to be given to pigeons between flights. The time to regenerate their full form before their next flight is very short. Sometimes it is only a few days. Therefore, it is very important that the time should be used in the best way possible and that pigeons should be given substances which relieve fatigue and restore fitness. REVITAL contains herbal extracts and oils which have been used for centuries in convalescence and as agents which restore balance. It also contains rutin and vitamin C, which enhances the bird’s regeneration capacity and boost its immunity, which may have been decreased by the bird's recent effort.
REVITAL reduces the time of rest and increases the organism's functioning. It helps a breeder to remove fatigue in his pigeons and to achieve good results in the next flight, even if the previous flight was difficult for the pigeons. REVITAL is also perfect help for pigeons after illness and a perfect way of restoring their health.